Friday, July 6, 2012

Our Trip to the Windy City

One of our goals this year was to make sure we did a little bit of traveling. When we moved to Cincinnati in 2009, that pretty much consumed most of our time and money, so traveling was out of the question. 

The next year I spent a lot of time in bed or hovering over a toilet (you have to love pregnancy) and then 2011 was consumed with taking care of a newborn while trying to recover myself. So this is the year. The year to make up for some much needed time away and discovering new places.

Above is a picture from the first visit I made to Chicago while attending a casting call for Project Runway back in April of 2007.  I got a small taste of what the city was like, but I didn't get to do much exploring.

So my husband and I thought it would be nice to take a trip to Chicago just for a few days. It's only about a 4 hour drive, plus I had a new family member I wanted to adopt who was just west of the city (more on that another time).

We had so much fun exploring, walking around the city for hours and enjoying the beautiful sunny day.

And at night, we walked over to Navy Pier from our hotel. The view from the ferris wheel was stunning.
It was a nice little break from reality and Myles. We kept saying it would be nice to have him there with us or "Oh, Myles would loooove that", but it is also good to have some time just as a couple.

As mentioned before, we did plan our trip up there so we could adopt our new little family member. 
She deserves a separate blog post, so I will just leave you with this picture until then.

Oh, and Myles' wasn't having to bad of a time himself. He got to spend the weekend with his favorite Aunt Kathy who is also our next-door neighbor. 

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