Sunday, January 11, 2009

Greek Dresses Once Again!

So back in August sometime, I was asked to create greek dresses for all the cocktail waitresses at a local night club
...all 20 or so of them! I then did some researching on greek culture and clothing, just to get a feel for it. This is pretty much the jist of it:

Greek clothes were very easy to make and to put on. They were usually just made from a single piece of rectangular material. The most common piece of clothing worn by men and women was like a loose-fitting tunic, It had various names, but the most usual are peplos and chiton. Over this a heavier tunic or cloak could also be worn; the cloak was called a himation.

greek dress idea
This is what came to be the end product:
Let me back originally it was supposed to be a greek shirt (picture above) but then the idea turned into dresses after talking with the club owner.
So above and below are the picture of the greek shirt which was re-made into a greek-style dress.
The idea of these dresses were the club owners and now, 5 months later, I am at it again! But this time I am going to come up with the design and get some pictures posted of someone wearing the old ones. They look better on a person than on a dressform! Stay posted :)

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