Thursday, February 26, 2009

A trip down memory lane, Savannah style..

Yes, I am still thinking about Savannah today. I was going through some old pictures trying to organize them by year, since I am sooo behind on my albums, and I came across these photos:
The fashion building where I spent most of my time in Savannah...I should have just moved in!
This is was picture taken from my first quarter at SCAD...I think it was Drawing 2. Anyway,
we had so much fun in this class. Check out the drawing on the right, hmmmm.
Me, Rebecca (you can check her blog out at and my favorite teacher I ever had at SCAD, Ms. Pappas. I was wearing the first garment I had ever made and I was so incredibly proud of it! I look back and smile now. :)
Above is a picture of one of my designs I had made for Sewing Tech 2. The idea is pinned up on my fancy little bulletin board that John so nicely spray painted for me. I had the best studio ever in Savannah. John had made me a custom table with a magnetic strip across the wall to hang my designs or torn out images from magazines that I had used for inspiration. I do have a great husband!
                                           Mario Wallace sporting a corset. Oh la la!

                                                                         CAD class..
John (you can view his portfolio at presenting his GO boat, which has been featured in some top design blogs. This was the day before we graduated.
And last, graduation with my mom and my dad at my side. I was happy and relieved that all the sleepless nights came to an end, but I wouldn't have had it any other way!

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