Friday, April 24, 2009

How to make a button necklace & earrings

A NEW spin on creating button jewelry:
How to Make a Stacked-Button Necklace
This project was created by Kayte Terry. Check out her shop on Etsy
These accessories are super-simple to make and fun to wear. You can make them in pretty much any color you would like depending on your button assortment.
What you'll need for the necklace:
About 22 inches of beading thread (you can make a longer or shorter necklace as desired)
Two bead tips
About 160 buttons from very small to large
Jewelry glue
Two jump rings
One clasp

To make the necklace:

1. Tie a knot close to the end of your thread, and add a bead tip with the open part of the bead tip facing the knot. Make another knot directly above the other side of the bead tip.

2. Separate your buttons into piles by size. Kayte had tons of white, pearl, and off-white buttons, so she chose to use these and add a bit of random bling with some gold beads. Make sure you have an even number of all your buttons as you will be splitting them up to go on either side of the necklace.
3. Start with the smallest buttons: Thread a needle onto the beading thread, and use this to thread half of the buttons onto the necklace. Since buttons have pretty big holes, you don't need to worry about using a beading needle

*Tips* Kayte kept her color design sort of random, but if you want to you can plan out your colors a bit more. Also, after you add the bead tip, start threading on buttons. It doesn't matter which hole you thread the buttons on.
4. Move on to the next size, threading half the buttons on, and continue until you reach the largest button. Kayte used three large buttons for the center of the necklace and then started working her way down to the smallest buttons again.
5. Tie a knot at the end of the necklace, thread another bead tip on, with the halves facing outward. Tie another knot inside the tip. Clip the thread above the knot. Add a drop of jewelry glue inside the bead tip and use pliers to close the tip. Repeat for the other bead tip.
6. Add jump rings to both bead-tip hooks and close the hooks with pliers. Open one jump ring and add a clasp.
                                                   Above, the finished product!

If your super ambitious and want to make earrings to match your necklace, here's the project details!

What you'll need for the earrings:
Four small sequins or seed beads
Four headpins
26 to 30 buttons in different sizes
Wire cutters
Two jump rings
Two earring wires

1. Add one sequin or seed bead to two headpins. Kayte likes to use a sequin because you can't see it at all under the buttons.
2. Starting with the largest button, "thread" the two headpins through the button holes so the button lies flat against the sequins. Continue threading on buttons until you get to the smallest size.
3. Trim the headpins with the wire cutters. Add a jump ring to both headpins, and use your pliers to close the headpins over the jump ring. Open the jump ring and add an earring wire.
4. Repeat to make the other earring.
And voila, the finished earrings. What do you think about this project? Is it something you could do if you have no jewelry making experience?

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