Tuesday, April 28, 2009

One of my sources for inspiration

I have always said I couldn't run my business without the support of family and friends and I truly mean that. I also find family and friends as a source of inspiration. I was recently mailed this article about my grandpa, who is 90 and has more of a social life than me! I wanted to share it, because he is an amazing man who has achieved so much. Thank you for being one of my sources of inspiration GPA!


  1. I didn't know your Grandpa was 90! Wow, what a neat article.

  2. Yep! I went to his party in November in Ft.Myers to celebrate!
    Look at the Facebook pics I have in one of my albums :)

  3. I could sit and talk to your grandpa all day long! What a cool guy. The first thing I'd like to tell him is "Thank You" for his service to our country! Maybe I'll get a chance to meet him someday. I'd really like that.

  4. We didn't know you put this on your blog. How sweet of you. Just found it. Heard you were buying in Cincy. Better place to visit than Texas (closer).
    Lynn & GPA

  5. Yeah I thought you saw it for some reason. I love my GPA!


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