Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy 1 Year Anniversary to US!

Yes, I know, your thinking.."Already 1 year?"...I am there with you. I can't believe it has already been a year since our big day. So much has changed since then! We bought a house, moved to Cincinnati, adopted our sweet german shepard Adobe, and my business has grown quite a bit.
Speaking of our move, be on the look out for a new series of blog posts coming soon called 'Our Crafty Home'. If I am not working my usual 9-6 Monday-Friday on FENNOfashion, we are working on the house and I can't wait to share all we have done to it. Anyway, to us, one of many anniversary's to come!


  1. I know...Wow. This year has gone by fast. I am looking forward to being a part of the "Our Crafty Home" series. Should be fun!

  2. A year, eh? Wow. I need a better calendar. (Congratulations!)


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